Creates a new item or replaces an old item with a new item.

Command Syntax

table.put(item: Object)

Where item is a pojo that represents the doc to be inserted.


import Dynaflo from 'dynaflo';
const d = new Dynaflo(config);

const movies = new d.Table('Movies');
    year: 2013,
    title: 'Turn It Down, Or Else!',
    info: {
      plot: 'Nothing happens at all.',
      rating: 0
  .then(data => {
    // Inserted a new item

Or we could conditionally put an item.

    id: '1234',
    info: {
      plot: 'Nothing happens at all.',
      rating: 0
  .then(data => {
    // Only inserts the item if there is not a doc with id = '1234' already

Available Modifiers


AWS Documentation Links

DynamoDB API PutItem