To read data from a table, you use operations such as .get(), .query() and .scan(). By default, DynamoDB returns all of the item attributes. To get just some of the attributes, rather than all of them, use .pluck(). Under the hood, .pluck() is setting the projection expression param.
say you have a DynamoDB doc like this...
My.Scalar.Key: 10,
MyMap: {
MyKey: 'derp',
MyKey2: 'climb'
MyArray: ['item1', 'item2']
Top Level Attributes
Just get top level attributes. this will return everything under the keys
.pluck('My.Scalar.Key', 'MyArray');
Nested Attributes
Maybe we want to get nested objects
.pluck('My.Scalar,Key', {'MyMap': {'MyKey': true, 'MyKey2': true}}, 'MyArray');
Shorthand for Nested Attributes
This can get pretty verbose, so we can use the shorthand
.pluck('My.Scalar.Key', {'MyMap': ['MyKey', 'MyKey2']}, 'MyArray');
// same as above
Under the hood, this gets translated into the following params that are passed to the AWS DocumentClient
AWS DocumentClient
const params = {
ProjectionExpression: '#msk, #mm.#mk, #ma',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#msk': 'My.Scalar.Key',
'#mm': 'MyMap',
'#mk': 'MyKey',
'#ma': 'MyArray'
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