To write data to a table, you use operations such as .put(), .update() and .delete(). Sometimes, you may only want to write the data when certain conditions are met. To do this, use the .when() modifier. Under the hood, .when() is setting the Condition Expression Param.
Say you are representing a movie in DynamoDB like this...
id: '12345',
title: 'Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them',
info: {
rating: 5,
should: 'climb'
shouldRecommend: false,
stars: ['Red headed dude', 'Johnny Depp']
and you only want to update the shouldRecommend
attribute when the rating = 5
.update({id: '12345'})
shouldRecommend: true
info: {rating: 5}
For more complicated conditions, you can use condition statements
const positiveRating = attr({info:{rating:true}}).gt(5);
const harryOrFanMovie = attr('title').startsWith('Harry').or(
.update({id: '12345'})
shouldRecommend: true
This sets the shouldRecommend attribute when the rating is greater than 5 and the title starts with either 'Fan' or 'Harry'
See the Comparators section for a complete list
This gets translated into the following params that are passed to the AWS DocumentClient.
AWS DocumentClient
const params = {
ConditionExpression: '#r = :rating',
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
'#r': 'info.rating',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':rating': 5
AWS Documentation Links
Condition Expression Operators and Functions
Condition Expression
Expression Attribute Names